This series consists of computer punch cards for Japanese aliens and Japanese American residents on the West Coast who were interned in relocation centers maintained by the War Relocation Authority (WRA) during World War II. A typical card contains the following information concerning the individual evacuee covered: (a) name, individual number, last permanent address, date of entrance into relocation center, relocation center address, miscellaneous notations, and (b) codes for information relating to place and date of birth, sex, marital status, religion, highest school grade attained, language schools attended, languages spoken, occupations, assembly center address, residence in Japan (if any), extent of education in Japan (if any), parents' birthplaces, and father's occupations. The (a) items are typed or written, while the (b) group is punched in code. The following internment camps are included: Central Utah (Topaz), Colorado River (Poston), Gila River, Granada, Heart Mountain, Jerome, Manzanar, Minidoka, Rohwer, and Tule Lake.